
Copyright is complex.  We do not claim to be experts.

Some of the material on this site, the pictures in particular, is the work of other professionals.  They will have been afforded the protection of copyright on their work.  As far as we are aware, none of the subjects or photographers are alive today. For most of the postcard images featured here the name of the photographer is now lost or unknown, therefore copyright claims are unlikely (NPG 2016).

The Copyright Designs and Patents Act will allow for copying under certain conditions.  The material reproduced here is provided under the 'Fair dealing' clause which covers 'research and study, criticism and review'. This is a non-commercial site, provided as a study resource.

If anyone knows any better we will gladly look again at the material made available on this site.

If you wish to copy any of the material from this site for your personal use [only].  No problem.  For us the internet is all about sharing knowledge.  Better still, if you can contribute something to this site we would really appreciate it.

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